Tim Magee
Teacher and Trainer
I am a teacher, trainer, and writer. As a teacher and trainer, I have worked with nonprofit and NGO professionals from over 150 countries. I help them develop projects and programs that solve the challenges they are facing. Although I have worked in a broad range of nonprofit disciplines, my most urgent and current interest is climate change.
Professional Life
I am the Executive Director of the Center for Sustainable Development—CSDi—a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. You can learn more about my training programs and CSDi at our training site.
I have written two published nonfiction books, one on renewable energy and the other on adapting to a changing climate. I have just completed my third book—a climate fiction book—and I am cranking up the publishing process now. The book is also about—you guessed it—climate change! Learn more about Anthropocene.
Prior to my life in international development, I was a business owner and so, had a long career writing marketing and promotional materials. Through CSDi, over 15 years, I have written informational pieces, blogs, and newsletters about nonprofit programs—and hundreds of pages of course materials!
Personal Life
Raised in Southern California, I attended university the first time (marine biology) in Britain, and years later I received a degree in international agriculture (very useful in my climate work) at Washington State University.
If you don’t find me in front of my computer, you might bump into me on the trail, backpacking in the sunny Southwest.
Please contact me here. I look forward to hearing from you, and I will reply quickly.
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